Londonska eklektična zasedba Public Service Broadcasting se z mešanico art rocka, pop elektronike, plesnega punka in, seveda, samplov, na glasbene police vrača s četrto dolgometražno izdajo, Bright Magic. Fascinacija nad Berlinom je pripeljala do produkcije albuma v in za Berlin, ljubečega posvetila Hauptstadt-u evropskega kreativnega duha. Album sestavljajo tri poglavja, prvo pokušino barvitosti in (tudi) plesne naelektrenosti pa je ponudil singl People, Let's Dance, plesni štiklc, ki mu vokal doda Berlinčanka EERA.
Več o singlu, o prihajajočem albumu, preklapljanju v nemščino, ter nenazadnje, o Berlinu kot pojmu in Berlinu kot občutku, v pogovoru z Johnom Willgoose-om Esq., iniciatorjem sinaptičnih signalov zasedbe.
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London-based eclecticism that is Public Service Broadcasting is returning to the shelves with another blend of art rock, pop-electronica, dance-punk and, of course, samples, with their fourth LP, Bright Magic. The fascination with, and subsequently the production of the album in Berlin resulted in an affectionate letter to and from the "Hauptstadt" of European creativity, innovation and free-spiritedness. There are three chapters to the album, and we got a first taste of the colours and electricity with the single People, Let's Dance, featuring Berlin-based vocalist EERA.
The creative iniciator of the band, John Willgoose Esq., explains more about the single, the album and their relationship with Berlin.
Photo credit: Alex Lake