Sedemindvajseta oddaja iz nove serije IndieRE 2.0. V seriji IndieRE v produkciji in mednarodni izmenjavi radijske vsebine sodelujemo ljubljanski Radio Študent, hrvaški Radio Student, francoska mreža Radio Campus, Radio Corax iz Halleja v Nemčiji, EMA-RTV iz Španije, irski Near FM, madžarski Civil Radio in avstrijski Radio Helsinki.
Welcome to episode 71 of the IndieRE project. This show is produced by Thomas Paier from Radio Helsinki in Graz, Austria. With summer in full swing, it's the perfect time for festivals, live shows, and plenty of musical excitements. In this episode, we have a fantastic lineup for you. Get ready to groove to the newest and most intriguing tracks from the Austrian independent hip-hop and rap scene. We'll also be exploring some exciting electronic music tracks – that are sure to get you moving. #VIBEscalation
So sit back, relax, and immerse yourself in the diverse sounds of independent artists. Let the music take you on a journey through different styles and emotions. You will hear music from Donna Savage, Sun People, Babyface, Rektor Bust, Huebl and Hias Ledger and many more …
Featured artists/producers and labels:
Donna Savage: instagram | bandcamp
Wave Planet Records: web
Sun People: web | bandcamp | soundcloud | instagram
GreyNote Collective: bandcamp
d:enigma: soundcloud | instagram | bandcamp
Pulp Kitchen: soundcloud | instagram
Hias Ledger: instagram
Pulverfass: youtube | instagram
Lucy Dreams: web | bandcamp | instagram
PHIL1PP3: soundcloud | instagram
DBDNB: instagram
Rektor Bust: youtube | instagram
Babyface: instagram | web
Huebl: soundcloud | instagram | web
Kayou [background music]: bandcamp | soundcloud | instagram
01 Donna Savage – Fingerprints (Wave Planet Records, 2023)
02 Donna Savage – Brenk Skit (Wave Planet Records, 2023)
03 Donna Savage – On Read (Wave Planet Records, 2023)
04 Sun People – Reconnect (Step-by-Step) (Nehza Records, 2023)
05 d:enigma, Pulp Kitchen – Quali (Grey Note, 2023)
06 Hias Ledger, Kitmet, Kalp one – Frechdachs (Pulverfass, 2023)
07 Hias Ledger, Flowbird – RapGPT (Pulverfass, 2023)
08 Hias Ledger – Tarobert Skit (Pulverfass, 2023)
09 Lucy Dreams – Emotional (Lucy Dreams, 2023)
10 PHIL1PP3, DBDNB – Buena Calidad (Homeboys Records, 2023)
11 PHIL1PP3, DBDNB – Papa (Homeboys Records, 2023)
12 Rektor Bust – Aber nicht gemeinsam (Bust Spleen, 2023)
13 Babyface – Sergio Tacchini (Ganoven Athletics, 2023)
14 Babyface – Gin & Juice (Ganoven Athletics, 2023)
15 Huebl – Got Soul in a Digital World (nine0nine, 2023)
Produced by Radio Helsinki, Austria.
Prepared and announced by Thomas Paier.
Design by Jure Anžiček.