In the latest edition of the IndieRE radio show, Ákos Cserháti and Dániel Kemény from Civil Rádió, Budapest, present a selection of deeper underground pop songs. The show starts with a big returning band, Meztelen diplomaták, and then we dive into the world of downtempo, jazz, alternative rock and a bit of hip-hop.
Hit tedna na Radiu MARŠ je "Niedrich," komad z novega albuma Renesonanza edinstvene "industrial" tolkolastične skupine The Stroymachine. Z nami se pogovarja Jure Šuhel.
Simon je odšel na ska punk svirko. Sram ga bilo.
DISakord ponovno v etru. Novi termin, srede ob 21:00 krstimo LAJVVVVV!!!!
Dolžni še cherrypick klubskih maratoncev do kraja, pa zraven še en pop slatkiš, da imate s čim za primerjat.
Tachyon - Mačje stanovanje
Jolted - Like a Knife
Baby Smith - Trouble
bregove dere - 9 osmin rezila strahu
Mellow sounds with gloomy overtones, blurring the frontier between the organic and the synthetic. This is how you could describe a certain slice of Paris' contemporary musical underground, spearheaded by DIY producers and leftfield labels alike. This episode of IndieRE, produced by Radio Campus Paris in collaboration with Planisphère, shines light where darkness lingers, namely in the music of Morfine, Didem Coskunseven and the duo Omer.
Zinedin recenzira sinočnji koncert Souls of Mischief v Gali Hali.
Novomeškega reperja Majkuna ste na MARŠu spoznali že z enim od lanskih hitov tedna. I evo ga opet! Totedenski maršev hit je "Najdu odgovore," Majkunov komad, ki se je znašel na letošnji ereševski kompilaciji Klubski maraton 2023. O komadu, izkušnjah na klubovski turi in nadaljnih projektih pove več v pogovoru z in-house hip-hoperjem Zinedinom O.
In this edition of IndieRE from Near FM we hear the latest music from across the island of Ireland. The journey in Irish music this week starts with the unique The Eskies' sound that blends sea soaked waltz and Italian tarantella. Chilli Flake will bring us to the lovely town of Grangecon in Wicklow County in order to enjoy a bit of trip-hop music. A bit of breath of hip hop fresh air from Waterford thanks to the 21-year-old drummer/rapper Alex Gough.
This IndieRE show is hosted by Radio Corax in Halle, Germany. At first, Lena gathers some Halle and Leipzig based bands together (Lafff Box, St.upid) and gets to know one of them (Two Boys) better by asking a few questions. Apart from that, we'll discover some more newcoming and young-at-heart bands from Cologne (Smile) and Berlin (Yfory, Yelka). Speaking of Berlin – the center of all different kinds of music and arts –, we'll have a look at the independent music label Staatsakt that celebrates its 20th birthday!