
Slobodan Stanković, 6. 6. 2023 14:08, Radio Cobi

U jedanaestoj epizodi dobijate malo drugačiji sadržaj od onoga na šta ste navikli, jer mi se pridružuje južni petar, čiji EP mesto za pušenje slušamo u pauzama od našeg kvazi-podkasta o alt kulturi i političkom aktivizmu mladih u Srbiji, kao i uticajem njegove Instagram stranice Upokojeni Brkovi Bogoljuba Karića (i njoj sličnih) na njih.

Sergej Vujanović, 3. 6. 2023 18:37, Plastika

Vsake toliko se pojavi nov album, ki je tako prežet z estetiko nekega preteklega zvoka, da bi ga tudi nadebudni poslušalci brez pomislekov umestili v zlata leta dotičnega žanra. Tak je nov album brazilskega kantavtorja Rogê-ja z naslovom Curyman, na katerem slikovito prepleta sambo, funk in brazilski soul ter nadaljuje zdaj že več desetletij dolgo tradicijo odličnih glasbenikov iz te Južnoameriške države.

Uredništvo, 2. 6. 2023 14:48, IndieRE

In the Hungarian edition of the Indiere Radio Show, the two hosts Ákos Cserháti and Dániel Kemény will present a selection of the last few months' releases. The show will start with some lighter rock songs, followed by a short break into electronic music, and then we'll arrive at Hungarian modern jazz songs. We’ll listen to Galaxisok, Róbert Németh, Margaret Island and JumoDaddy, Duckshell, The Pannonia Allstars Ska Orchestra and Viktor Rice, Rozina Pátkai, New Fossils and Amoeba.



Slobodan Stanković, 1. 6. 2023 16:02, Hitni intervju

Ta teden je Hit emigriral z južnim vetrom - Ladovina je komad južnega petra, mladega Nišnega muzičarja, ki se mu v Hitnem intervjuju pridruži še producent EPja mesto za pušenje, XUZ. Príjetno.


Uredništvo, 26. 5. 2023 23:51, IndieRE

Radio Študent from Ljubljana, the capital city of Slovenia, is a 50-year old student radio station, still dedicated to promoting alternative music. This broadcast is a radio show brought to you by a network of eight partners as a part of the project IndieRE, in which we are covering and sharing the news about new releases of local quality non-mainstream music.

Simon Marčič, 26. 5. 2023 18:52, DISakord

Jubilejna abraham epizoda DISakorda. Danes V ŽIVO ob poslušanju Amebix - Arise! upihnemo 50 svečk.


Slobodan Stanković, 23. 5. 2023 10:32, Radio Cobi

Deseta epizoda! Ljubičice čekaju pad u ratu protiv mašina. Nemogućnost mirnog sedenja dok se slušaju ove pesme je samo jedan od razloga za izbor izvođača ove epizode.

Matjaž Gert, 20. 5. 2023 13:36, Plastika

V preteklih nekaj tednih ste na naši frekvenci skoraj zagotovo ujeli kakšnega od svežih singlov bratov D’Addario, Briana in Micheala, duet z imenom The Lemon Twigs. Razlog za to je bila njuna težko pričakovana četrta studijska izdaja, ki sta ji nadela ime Everything Harmony, izšla pa je pri založbi Captured Tracks. V sveži Plastiki nekaj besed in celotna plata, kot se spodobi.

Uredništvo, 19. 5. 2023 22:33, IndieRE

Welcome to this new episode of IndieRE, the show that introduces you to emerging music across Europe. Today, we have a special slot from Radio Pulsar. Based in Poitiers, it's a part of the Radio Campus France network. Thanks to RIM (the network of independent music in Nouvelle Aquitaine), Radio Pulsar was able to meet several regional artists. For its latest edition, Forma, the Forum of contemporary music of the RIM, a meeting for musicians and actors of current music in the South-West of France, were united in a recognized concert hall, the Confort Moderne in Poitiers.

Uredništvo, 12. 5. 2023 20:14, IndieRE

In the 59th episode of IndieRE from Near FM in Ireland we get a listen to some of the best up and coming acts in Ireland like Really Good Time, Lunch Machine and Mhaol as well as some long established acts like David Kitt and Side 4 Collective. We hear some of the best rap that the island of Ireland has to offer with songs from J.F.O., 1000 Beats (feat. Malaki) and Belfastss Kneecap, who rap in Irish as well as English.