
Uredništvo, 7. 7. 2023 10:54, IndieRE

On this week’s IndieRE from Near FM in Dublin we have some great new music from the Irish post-punk and rock scenes with new tracks from Gurriers, Sweets, Enola Gay and Sprints. We also hear some great tracks from Sir Marmalade, Hotgirl, NewDad and CMAT, as well as the latest beats from Rory Sweeney, Julia Louise Knifefist and Sloucho. Alanah from Belfast punk rockers Problem Patterns chatted with Neil about their new found success and their provocative lyrics. All this and more!



Sergej Vujanović, 1. 7. 2023 13:27, Plastika

Najnovejši album ameriškega producenta Huntera P. Thompsona (AKA Akasha System) z naslovom Pythonia, ki ga je ustvaril v svojem “Green house” studiu v Portlandu, je prijetna kombinacija elektronskih zvokov, ob katerih si z lahkoto predstavljamo mirne in deževne dneve na pacifiški obali. Z združevanjem ambientalnih synthov in počasnih, na trenutke skorajda plemenskih house ritmov Thompson mojstrsko gradi unikaten glasbeni svet, poln odmevov in ponavljanj.

Uredništvo, 1. 7. 2023 01:51, IndieRE

The 65st edition of IndieRE is the first edition of the IndieRE radio show, produced by the independent coastal radio from Slovenian coastline, to be exact Koper. In this radio show we will present some songs and new releases of artists from the Slovenian coast of which two – Spiral Mind and Caro Mio, are also guests on this show. Continuing with presenting a few other local artists dreamy and electronic musician and singer Ita Kora, grunge rock band Free The Mouse and a local DJ, producer .čunfa.

Simon Marčič, 22. 6. 2023 15:17, DISakord

Bližajo se švicni pasji dnevi in le še nekaj dni nas loči od otvoritve festivalske sezone z the best fest umazane grindcore, metal, crust in punk glasbe, 24. izvedbo festivala OBSCENE EXTREME. Gozdni amfiteater v mestu Trutnov na Češkem že od leta 1999 gosti glasbeni festival z glasbo in programom, ki nedvomno zahtevajo železne želodce. Festival se šteje med največje alternativne festivale v Evropi. V preteklih izvedbah pa je gostoval tudi v Severni Ameriki ter Aziji.

Simon Marčič, 22. 6. 2023 15:07, DISakord

Bližajo se švicni pasji dnevi in le še nekaj dni nas loči od otvoritve festivalske sezone z the best fest umazane grindcore, metal, crust in punk glasbe, 24. izvedbo festivala OBSCENE EXTREME. Gozdni amfiteater v mestu Trutnov na Češkem že od leta 1999 gosti glasbeni festival z glasbo in programom, ki nedvomno zahtevajo železne želodce. Festival se šteje med največje alternativne festivale v Evropi. V preteklih izvedbah pa je gostoval tudi v Severni Ameriki ter Aziji.

Jan Podbrežnik, 18. 6. 2023 18:27, Hitni intervju

Enigma od človeka, glasbenika in plate. Mad Reinhard, lokalni hruposlikar, je namalal prvo dolgometražno zadevo, album Phaneron. V Hitnem intervjuju pojasni povezavo med sliko in zvokom, koliko šumov je v hitnem komadu (19), in kam dalje. What next?

Uredništvo, 16. 6. 2023 22:08, IndieRE

Welcome to the 64thedition of IndieRE. We continue introducing more bands of the Spanish indie and underground scene from several and mixed music styles. The show stars with Lorenzo Soria and Sebastián Orellana and their cumbia, folklore and psychedelia rhythms; blues and garage music thanks to Guadalupe Plata and later we listen to Dani Llamas and his mix between alternative rock and flamenco. This edition's interview is with César Guisado, partner and co-director in Monkey Weekend festival in El Puerto de Santa María, Cádiz.

Simon Marčič, 9. 6. 2023 09:25, DISakord

Simon v DISakordu, enainpetdesetič.



Overcharge - Die Ör Kill

Overcharge - Aftershock

Appäratus - Famous Grouse

Distrüst - A D-Beat Nightmare

Distrüst - We Arise


Axegrinder - The Unthinkable

Axegrinder - Halo (Snakes for the Breeding)


Fushojiki - No Regret

Uredništvo, 9. 6. 2023 01:41, IndieRE

Join us for a new episode of IndieRE, brought to you by Radio Helsinki from Graz, Austria. We'll be diving into a musical journey that encompasses everything from goth house to new Viennese Gen Z Austropop, punk, to rock and indie. Get ready to be swept away by a heartwarming selection of tunes that will captivate your senses. Servus aus Graz!



Vlasta Milovič, 8. 6. 2023 01:43, Zlata plata

Tokratna oddaja bo večinoma namenjena albumu Jože Privšek Jazz Kvartet - Jazz Kvartet Jože Privšek iz leta 1961.