MITF#6: Pogovor z medijskim umetnikom Martinom Reichejem (v angleščini)

Z nemškim medijskim umetnikom Martinom Reichejem sta se o medijski umetnosti, angažirani umetnosti, festivalih, programski opremi, tehnologiji, hekanju in družbi leta 2016 v okviru 22. Mednarodnega festivala računalniške umetnosti in podcasta Maribor Is The Future pogovarjala Žiga Brdnik in Miha Horvat. Pogovor je potekal v angleškem jeziku.

English: With the German computer artist Martin Reiche Miha Horvat and Žiga Brdnik were discussing media art, engaged art, festivals, software, technology, hacking and society. The podcast in eglish was recorded in 2016 as part of the 22nd International Computer Arts Festival and Maribor Is The Future platform. 

Posnetek / Recording

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