FERI: Movie Night - January / Januarski filmski večer

For the first Movie Night of the year, we've made a selection of some of the best films from the 2017 Student Cuts film festival. We will feature among other films, Neighbour by Anja Hauptman, Anja Jurše, Kristina Keber and Ivan Stanojević, who got the Audience award at Student Cuts 2017. See you at FERI G3, hall Gauss.
More info: http://studentcuts.eu/

Seznam filmov / Movie list:
- AROUND US (Svoboda Filip Alex, Czech Republic)
- Attractive force (Konopatova Mariya , Russian Federation)
- Luring Light (Mykyta Karpov, Czech Republic)
- Wartburg (Borbás David, Hungary)
- Rectangle: suprematist drama (Oleg Romantsov , Russian Federation)
- NOX (Fajar Purnama, Indonesia)
- Neighbour (Hauptman Anja, Jurše Anja, Keber Kristina, Stanojević Ivan, Slovenia)

sreda, 17. 1. 2018 19:30
Fakulteta za elektrotehniko, računalništvo in informatiko Koroška cesta 46, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia