Oki - Yaykatekar Dub (Love Dub)

Oki Kano, krajše OKI, je pripadnik ljudstva Ainú in glasbenik ter glasbeni producent, ki tradicijo svojega ljudstva posreduje predvsem z igranjem na tonkori, petstrunski tradicionalni inštrument. Ainujska glasba je njegovo izhodišče glasbenega raziskovanja, v katerem na tonkoriju ohranjeni tradiciji ljudstva s severa Japonske primeša druge žanre, na primer reggae, jazz in dub.

Hit tedna, Yaykatekar Dub (Love Dub), je Matjaževo in OKI-jevo izhodišče za poglobljen pogovor o OKI-jevem pogledu na glasbo, tradicijo, glasbeno produkcijo in odnos do glasbila.

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Oki Kano, in shorter OKI, is a member Ainú people, a musician and music producer. He presents the tradition of his people with playing the tonkori, a plucked string instrument, promoting the musical tradition of the indigenous people of Northern Japan, and mixing it with other musical genres like reggae, jazz and dub.

Radio MARŠ's Hit of the Week song is Yaykatekar Dub (Love Dub), and Matjaž and OKI talk about the song, the music, tradition, musical production and the relationship between OKI and tonkori.

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