TEKE::TEKE je zasedba, ki jo na spletnih brskalnikih najdete težje, kot bi si mislili - ime si delijo z demonsko pojavo urbane legende, a prej kot na to nas zvok montrealškega benda spomni na drugačnega duha, duha šestdesetih na Japonskem, eklektičnega žanra eleki in virtuoznosti legende japonskega kitarskega zvoka, Takešija "Terryja" Teraučija. Kot njegov tribute je nastala ekipa, ki v sedemčlanskosti stopa na polja japonskega surf rocka, pentatonične lestvice, noisa in shoegazea, predvsem pa proti albumu Hagata, ki ga po kritiško hvaljenem prvencu Shirushi iz leta 2021 pričakamo na začetku letošnjega junija.
Prva skladba, tako po predstavitvi javnosti kot po kronologiji albuma, je Garakuta, oster in udaren poetični razmislek o svetu smeti. Več o Hitu tedna, zasedbi in prihajajočem albumu, v Hitnem intervjuju s kitaristom in ustanovnim članom zasedbe, Seijem Nakaučijem Pelletierjem.
TEKE::TEKE is a music group, harder to search upon on the world wide web as one would think - they share the name with a demonic presence of the urban legend, but the sound of the Montreal-based band has a different presence to it. It is the presence of the eclectic eleki, Japanese surf rock genre from the 60's, and the presence of the guitar virtuoso Takeshi "Terry" Terauchi. The idea of TEKE::TEKE began as a tribute to him, and later developed in the 7-membered band, developing a distinctive sound through japanese surf rock, pentatonic, noise and shoegaze influences, as they can be heard on their first LP, critically acclaimed Shirushi from 2021. Their next album Hagata is to be released on Junte 9th this year.