
Plemenito poslanstvo: izpostaviti lokalno indie in urbano glasbeno produkcijo in jo po mreži neodvisnih radiev poslati po Evropi.

Serija Indie-Re v okviru projekta Radiomuse predstavlja sodelovanje štirih neodvisnih evropskih radijskih postaj: ljubljanskega Radia Študent, Radia Popolare di Milano, francoske mreže Radio Campus in Radia Corax iz Halleja v Nemčiji.

Uredništvo, 17. 3. 2023 19:09, IndieRE

Onda Local de Andalucía (EMA-RTV) from Sevilla, Spain, is an association of local and community regions from the Southern Spain (Andalucía), we are a community of ninety radios. Furthermore, we have some partnerships all over the country, such as REMC (the acronym for Spanish Community Media Net). REMC is airing IndieRe broadcasts on some of their radio stations along the country as well.

Uredništvo, 17. 3. 2023 19:04, IndieRE

In the 49th episode of IndieRe broadcast edited by Radio Student from Zagreb we'll present some fresh releases by well-known members of Zagreb alternative scene but we will also showcase a few artists currently at the very beginning of their musical path. The first one is an indie pop rock band Paul The Walrus from Zagreb. We'll listen to the interview with their singer, songwriter and producer Borna Mijolović who will present their first album Sunset Clause released last autumn and first time played live this February.

Uredništvo, 10. 3. 2023 19:00, IndieRE

In the 46th edition of IndieRe your hosts Ákos Cserháti and Dániel Kemény from the Hungarian Civil Rádió present the hip-hop artist Beton.Hofi, pop rock bands Carson Coma, Ivan & The Parazolb, Anna and the Barbies and Aranyakkord, pop musician Azahriah, beat-rock soul band Blahalouisiana, indie pop band Galaxisok and duo Veronika Harcsa & Gyémánt Bálint.

Uredništvo, 10. 3. 2023 19:00, IndieRE

In the 47th edition of IndieRe the host Lilly from Radio Helsinki will present new music from Austria.

Greetings from Radio Helsinki in Graz, Austria! For our first edition of IndieRE we would like to present the cream of the crop of the local subculture and independent music scene. We kick things off with a bang:

→ Catastrophy and eat the rich
» demo on Bandcamp
» Catastrophy on Instagram
Catastrophy released their Demo EP in December 2022.
+ Greetings from Ivana from Komikaze from Zagreb – uuuuuuah!


Uredništvo, 4. 3. 2023 10:26, IndieRE

Poslušalstvo, pred vami je prva oddaja iz nove serije IndieRE. V produkciji in mednarodni izmenjavi radijske vsebine vam predstavljamo sveže izdaje alternativne glasbe z vseh koncev Evrope. Oddaje so posnete v angleškem jeziku.


Radio Študent, 14. 10. 2022 18:42, IndieRE

On this episode of Indie Re, Cecilia Paesante from Radio Popolare, will  introduce you to Kosmodromo, a four piece lineup which plays a rock shaped music that pays tribute to exotic harmonies built on a strong rhythm section.

The band formed in 2019 and is led by bass player Andrea Castelli, our guest today.




• 2020 - International Groove Society Session 1 & 2 (Kosmodromo) 

• 2021 - Cool Me Down (single, Kosmodromo)

Radio Študent, 7. 10. 2022 19:43, IndieRE

In our last show, we take a musical look back on this year 2021. In the first part we talked to many local musicians, and asked them what their music highlights were. The songs and voice messages are cut together into a collage by Ben. In the other part, Luise Talked with Theresa, a musician, artist and radio host, and as always we researched some local and recently published music.

FEATURED ARTIST – SONG (Album Title, Label, Year)

Radio Študent, 30. 9. 2022 20:06, IndieRE

In the last edition of IndieRE in 2021, we look back at some of the more prominent music releases of Slovenia’s alternative music scene. The first three releases that we present stem from Radio Študent’s own record label ZARŠ (Založba Radia Študent), and their authors are as follows: singer-songwriter Ujma, experimental pop duo Lovekovski and alternative folk band M.U.G. Trio. We also spoke with Neža Dobrovoljc from Lovekovski about their self-titled release.

Radio Študent, 23. 9. 2022 20:39, IndieRE

For this episode of Radio Muse, Radio Campus Paris shines a light on five artists orbiting around the Paris-based collective Planisphère. Created in 2018 with the goal of bringing into the spotlight up-and-coming artists of the experimental music scene, Planisphère organises underground events, hosts a bi-weekly radio show and even has its own label. While experimentation is a guiding principle in sound as well as image, their aesthetic spectrum is deliberately large. Abrasive techno sits alongside intimate folk, ambient and noise neighbour jazz and space rock.

Radio Študent, 20. 9. 2022 03:29, IndieRE

The artist that will be introduced to you today is a DJ. Her name is Calamity Jade. She's the head of the music promotions agency Will Work For Funk and also the host of the radio show Funk Shui which airs every Wednesday here at Radio Popolare.

