V posebni emisiji radia CJLO 1690AM vas asistent produkcije Arturo vodi po živahni alternativni, underground glasbeni sceni mesta; na poti opozori na najboljše alternativne, hip hop in eksperimentalne izvajalce, ki jih Montreal premore. V programu boste lahko slišali tudi nastope, posnete v živo v studiih CJLO.
Poslušajte tudi druge oddaje iz izmenjave ob Svetovnem dnevu radia 2021.
Obiščite spletno stran CJLO.
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In this broadcast from CJLO 1690AM in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, join the station's production assistant Arturo as he walks you through the city's vibrant underground music, highlighting the best alternative, hip hop, and experimental acts Montreal has to offer, including performances recorded live in the CJLO studios!