Flirt FM je študentska, skupnostna in alternativna radijska postaja iz Galwaya, Irske, ustanovljena leta 1995. Program postaje ustvarjajo trije zaposleni ter prek 150 prostovoljcev.
Program na svetovni dan radia je Flirt FM sproduciral pod „level 5 lockdownom“, in torej v celoti od doma – trije radijski moderatorji so prepletli svoja zanimanja o jezikih, svetovni in irski glasbi ter radiu samem, z letošnjimi temami evolucije, inovacije in povezovanja.
Pozor, pričakujte tudi slovenske besede in komade!
Moderatorji: Bríd Ní Mhaoileoin, Conor Kenny and Leonard Snygans.
Glasbena oprema:
Rogha Bhríde Intro Theme
Paloma Faith - World in Union
Enigma - Return to Innocence
HAVVK - Shifting Shape
Denise Chaila & Jafaris - Anseo
DOTT - Leave Tonight
Galway Street Club - Hit That Bottle
The Horslips -Dearg Dún
Wallis Bird - To My Bones
Clannad - Máire Bhruinneall
Wolfgang Ambros - Schifoan
Poslušajte tudi druge oddaje iz izmenjave ob Svetovnem dnevu radia 2021.
Obiščite spletno stran Flirt FM.
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Flirt FM is Galway City's Student, Community & Alternative Station, based in NUI Galway since 1995. With one full-time and two part-time paid staff looking after operations and compliance, the station is home to up to 150 volunteers and many more contributors annually.
While Ireland is still under a level 5 lockdown, 3 Flirt FM presenters decided to come together for the first time to make a special one-off show for World Radio Day 2021. Weaving together their interests of language, world music, Irish music, radio itself and taking onboard this year's theme of Evolution, Innovation, Connection.
Presenters: Bríd Ní Mhaoileoin, Conor Kenny and Leonard Snygans.