Freies Radio Freudenstadt je leta 1995 ustanovljeni skupnostni radio ruralnega Schwarzwalda na jugozahodu Nemčije. Nekomercialna lokalna radijska postaja je raznolika tako v ekipi prostovoljk in prostovoljcev, od veteranov do mladih, kot v poročanju o lokalnih in regionalnih dogajanjih ter glasbenem izboru.
Za svetovni dan radia je Michael Armbruster pripravil posebno epizodo tedenske oddaje “Franko-Fon avec Mika-L”, v kateri poslušalce povabi k raziskovanju francosko-ubesedene glasbe iz vseh držav, kjer govorijo francosko.
Poslušajte tudi druge oddaje iz izmenjave ob Svetovnem dnevu radia 2021.
Obiščite spletno stran Radia FDS.
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On Air since 1995, Freies Radio Freudenstadt is a community radio station located in the rural Black Forest area in southern Germany. Many volunteer broadcasters, from young people to senior citizens, currently offer a radio program that couldn't be more varied. As a non-commercial local radio station, we give particular importance to information from the region: We also report on people and their concerns who do not make it into the national media. Our music mix is as diverse as the people who make the broadcast. The music itself is the subject of the broadcasts and not just filler material: it is not only played but also discussed.
For World Radio Day 2021 Michael Armbruster prepared a special episode of his weekly program “Franko-Fon avec Mika-L” . He invites listeners to explore the world of French-speaking music - from all countries where French is spoken.