Radio FRO na svetovni dan radia ponuja kolaž vsebin iz rednega programa.
V prvem delu šova lahko prisluhnete intervjuju z bendom Petra and the Wolf. S skupino se je Petra Moser pogovarjala o novem albumu Surface ter, seveda, o njihovi situaciji v pandemiji.
V drugem delu se predstavi uredniška ekipa magazina FROzine; Astrid Dober, Sophia Dessl, Anna Fessler, Georg Steinfelder, Marina Wetzlmaier, Michael Diesenreither and Pamela Neuwirth spregovorijo o ekipi, mediju in medijih, pogovor pa moderira Sigrid Ecker.
Poslušajte tudi druge oddaje iz izmenjave ob Svetovnem dnevu radia 2021.
Obiščite spletno stran Radia FRO.
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Radio FRO celebrates World Radio Day with excerpts from the program.
In the first part of the show we broadcast an interview with one of our favorite bands: Petra and the Wolf. The rock band talks to Petra Moser about the current album Surface and of course their situation in this pandemic.
In addition, the editorial team of the magazine FROzine introduces itself in the second part of the show. Astrid Dober, Sophia Dessl, Anna Fessler, Georg Steinfelder, Marina Wetzlmaier, Michael Diesenreither and Pamela Neuwirth talk about their thoughts, moderated by Sigrid Ecker.