coloRadio je skupnostna radijska postaja iz Dresdna, na kateri več kot 100 prostovoljk_cev dnevno ustvarja lokalen, nekomercialen radijski program. coloRadio eter ponuja vsem.
V letošnji posebni emisiji coloRadio obravnava posebej resno temo. 13. februarja vsako leto se Dresden spominja žrtev druge svetovne vojne. Na ta datum leta 1945 so zavezniške sile napadle Dresden in vojna se je tako vrnila tja, kjer se je začela. Novinar in moderator Schlomo poslušalstvo popelje na miselno popotovanje skozi čas in artefakte življenjskih zgodb tistega časa.
coloRadio is the community radio station of Dresden, Germany. Over 100 voluntary radio editors produce a local and non-commercial radio programme every day. All people can bring their voices on air with coloradio.
This year coloRadio has a quite serious topic. Every year on February 13, the city commemorates the victims of the Second World War. On 1945 February 13, the allied forces attacked Dresden and so the war returned to where it started from. Our broadcaster Schlomo starts a mental journey through time and brings to life stories from that time.