Radio Rasa, najmanjša radijska postaja v Švici, v svojem etru združuje člane_ice Radio Schaffhauser Alternative, ki sodelujejo v programskem in vodstvenem delu postaje. Kot pravi alternativni radio delujejo kot podpora za razvoj radijk_cev, odpirajo radijski eter za srečevanje mnenj, izkustev in kultur. In kot pravi alternativni radio delujejo z omejenimi finančnimi sredstvi.
Posebna epizoda oddaje Early Riser z Radia Rasa v izmenjavo z etri po Evropi in svetu.
Radio Rasa is the smallest FM radio station in Switzerland, made up by dedicated members of Radio Schaffhauser Alternative – including broadcasters, interns, editors, coordinators and management.
Together, we’re a group that is more than just a radio station. As a recognized training center, we educate the next generation of radio creators. We embrace the freedom of the airwaves as an open opinion platform. We are a place for all cultures to meet, create and experiment with alternatives. And to support all of that, we have unusual ideas – and crazy ways to implement them.
Our goal is to break through crusty old listening habits to help different cultures understand and come together. We offer a place where an active and diverse audience can step behind the microphone – and we want to make ‘rasaland’ a better place.