

Nocoj v predvajanju:hackedepicciotto: JerichoKlaus Karlbauer: RheingoldRobot Koch and Dehlia De France: California Dreamin’Robot Koch and Dehlia De France: I won’t back downAngela Aux: YesterdayLucy...
11. 4. 2023
RadioAktivistična ekipa Radia Helsinki aprilsko epizodo začne z odpiranjem kant za smeti. Bolje rečeno, s konstruktivnim pogovorom o smeteh nasploh. Theresa podeli nekaj statističnih podatkov ter...
11. 4. 2023
In the 54th, Hungarian edition of IndieRe, the hosts Ákos Cserháti and Dániel Kemény will present a selection of releases from the past few months. The show starts with the pop rock band...
7. 4. 2023
Radio Študent from Ljubljana, the capital city of Slovenia, is a 50-year old student radio station, still dedicated to promoting alternative music. This broadcast is a radio show brought to you by a...
1. 4. 2023
Throughout the 52nd episode of IndieRe we will present some artists, bands and labels currated and selected by François Berchenko from Campus FM. Take a ride with him through the 2023 Toulouse scene...
1. 4. 2023
Nocoj v Radiu Goethe:Subway to Sally: Leinen losSubway to Sally: So tiefFiddler’s Green: Land in SichtTanzwut: MeerIn Extremo: StörtebekerRummelsnuff: ÄquatortaufeUdo Lindenberg: Nichts haut einen...
29. 3. 2023
Ropotarnica je že vrsto let del mariborskega vsakdana. Center ponovne uporabe na Partizanski cesti je center za drugo priložnost oblačil, predmetov in materialov - namesto v zabojnik, za pas, v...
28. 3. 2023
The 51st episode of IndieRe is brought to you by Near FM in Dublin, produced and presented by Neil Farrelly. In this episode we showcase some of the best up and coming Irish artists. Ireland is...
24. 3. 2023
In the 50th edition of IndieRe we take you on a ride through the exciting music of Germany’s alternative and independent scene, we’ve collected a truckload of current releases for you. We start with...
24. 3. 2023
Onda Local de Andalucía (EMA-RTV) from Sevilla, Spain, is an association of local and community regions from the Southern Spain (Andalucía), we are a community of ninety radios. Furthermore, we have...
17. 3. 2023
In the 49th episode of IndieRe broadcast edited by Radio Student from Zagreb we'll present some fresh releases by well-known members of Zagreb alternative scene but we will also showcase a few...
17. 3. 2023
Nocojšnja plejlista:Gewalt: GierGewalt: ParadiesDAF: Der SheriffFrittenbude: Suchen/FindenFrittenbude: StoliJanus: IsaakKollmorgen: All the wild animalsDisco Doom: Mt. SurrealInfamis: Le GrantInfamis...
15. 3. 2023
V partnerski epizodi v studiu Radia Student ekipa vseh treh radiev spregovori o retro modi, dobrodelnih trgovinah iz druge roke, trgovinah za male žepe. Na mizi so tudi podatki o hitri modi,...
13. 3. 2023
Radijska igra “Bi ne bi” spregovori o marsičem. Predvsem pa govori o tovarištvu, norosti in usodnih ženskah. Pridružite se (ne samo ljubezenskemu) štirikotniku jebenega romantika, cinične prasice,...
12. 3. 2023
In the 46th edition of IndieRe your hosts Ákos Cserháti and Dániel Kemény from the Hungarian Civil Rádió present the hip-hop artist Beton.Hofi, pop rock bands Carson Coma, Ivan & The Parazolb,...
10. 3. 2023
In the 47th edition of IndieRe the host Lilly from Radio Helsinki will present new music from Austria.Greetings from Radio Helsinki in Graz, Austria! For our first edition of IndieRE we would like to...
10. 3. 2023
Nocojšnja plejlista Radia Goethe:Diary of Dreams: Mein Werk aus ZementDiary of Dreams: Viva la bestiaMono Inc.: Princess of the nightCoppelius: KryptoxenoarchäologieDonots: Längst noch nicht...
7. 3. 2023
Drago poslušalstvo, ki vam je blizu "roba iz druge roke", so vam ljubi vintage kosi, in se radi vračate v preteklost osemdesetih, devetdesetih ali katerihkoli že. Vsem, ki vas privlači retro pohištvo...
7. 3. 2023
Poslušalstvo, pred vami je prva oddaja iz nove serije IndieRE. V produkciji in mednarodni izmenjavi radijske vsebine vam predstavljamo sveže izdaje alternativne glasbe z vseh koncev Evrope. Oddaje so...
4. 3. 2023
V zadnji epizodi Konspiratorija se Jan in Jernej dotakneta razlike med moderno in postmoderno paranojo, ki tvori pomemben del velikega dela sodobnih študij teorij zarot. Na primeru klasičnih teorij...
2. 3. 2023