
Uredništvo, 23. 1. 2024 18:05, Radio Goethe

Nocojšnja playlistë:

Megaherz: Der König der Dummen
KMFDM: Stars and Stripes
Kettcar: München
Ja, Panik: Mama made this boy
Stoppok: Wir pfeifen (das letzte Loch)
3 Miles to Essex: Empathy
Husten: Auf der anderen Seite der Angst
Kaiser Franz: Alles auf Anfang
Die Türen: Gut für mich, schlecht für die Welt
Fehlfarben: Sprachlos
Ostzonensuppenwürfelmachenkrebs: Von Haus aus allein
The Dead Brothers: Whalebone
Dr. Will: High Jeopardy thing
Kraan: Zoup
Kraan: Weit und breit
Kraan: Norwegen Dia 

Uredništvo, 18. 1. 2024 21:18, IndieRE

Welcome to Radio Helsinki's IndieRE radio broadcast. This episode is your passport to the rich tapestry of Austrian indie music. From whimsical humor to rebellious spirits, our playlist spans genres like punk, electro, and hip hop. Each track encapsulates the diverse sounds that define Austria's indie scene. No need for elaborate intros – just let the music guide you through the unmistakable Austrian »Schmäh«. Immerse yourself in this sonic journey, experiencing the essence of Austrian indie vibes across various styles. Bussi und Baba!


Jan Podbrežnik, 17. 1. 2024 16:16, Mikser

Nasilje ni rešitev, je pa inspiracija. Tudi za mehke žanjre

Green Crack - Powerviolence Renesansa
Nejc Pipp - Molocko +
Helado Negro - Best for You and Me
MonoNeomn - The President

Jan Podbrežnik, 10. 1. 2024 15:06, Mikser

Freak Heat Waves - The Time Has Come

H!PE - Four Pillars of Gaza

Generator - Sentish

Uredništvo, 9. 1. 2024 21:12, IndieRE

We couldn't wait for the IndieRE Radio Show to come back with a fresh Hungarian edition, because the Hungarian artists didn't rest at the end of the year. Actually! We could hardly resist to choose between the fresh releases. The 94th edition of IndieRE offers recordings from, among others, the band Qualitons, who are back after their break-up. We'll also choose from recent releases by Samurai Drive and 30Y, and at the end of the show we'll dedicate a special block to the Hungarian drum and bass and breakbeat culture, featuring a recent song by MC Fedora.

Uredništvo, 5. 1. 2024 21:57, IndieRE

Welcome to the 93rd edition of IndieRE, the Independent European Radio exchange Network Radio Show. This episode is hosted by Marko and Dušan from Radio Študent in Ljubljana, Slovenia, and today we'll be listening to the garage sounds of Uryan, indietronica beats by producer Blaž, who we've also interviewed, the mind bending breakcore of Blaž Božič a.k.a. SsmKOSK, the first album by the funky-pop young force Masaž and wrap up the show with the fusion of ethno and jazz by the Petra Onderuf Quartet.


Featured artists/producers and labels:

Simon Marčič, 3. 1. 2024 19:30, DISakord

Danes v šestdesetem DISakordu, pregled lanskih creme de la crust izdaj. LAJVVVVVVVVVVV!!!!!

Flower -  American Alms
Flower - Victims of Progress

Hiatus - Whats Wrong With My Nightmare
Hiatus - Ecocide

City Kings - 1989
City Kings - On Your Shoudler

Leather Brigade - Alcoholic Night
Leather Brigade - I am the night
Leather Brigade - Sex with Satan

Hladno Pivo - Für Immer Punk 

Uredništvo, 29. 12. 2023 21:32, IndieRE

Today’s broadcast is featuring artists of very different genres. We’ll listen to the universe and music of Michel Thor (Noailhac), Snail (Toulouse), and Corentin Grellier (Lautrec). Of course they all share their independent production and way of seeing their music. Most of all, our presenters express their feeling about these found artists during their tour around Occitanie in their search for authenticity.


Featured artists/producers and labels:

Vlasta Milovič, 28. 12. 2023 14:36, Zlata plata

V zadnji oddaji Zlata plata to koledarsko leto bomo nekoliko spoznali album po imenu Rare Ebb, zasedbe Samo Šalamon Trio feat. Igor Matkovič & Kristijan Kranjčan, ki je izsel leta 2020 za založbo
Samo records.

Uredništvo, 25. 12. 2023 21:23, Radio Goethe

Praznična oddaja, nocoj, samo za vas:

Mono Inc.: Princess of the night
Mono Inc.: Heartbeat of the dead
Joachim Witt: Jetzt und ehedem
Umbra et Imago: Ohne Dich
Lacrimosa: Der Morgen danach
Samsas Traum: K.haos-Prinz und Wind-Prinzessin
ASP: Die Ruhe vor dem Sturm
Qntal: Departir
Dracul: Erlkönig
Reaper: The devil is female
Rammstein: Deutschland
Guano Apes: Open your eyes