Letošnji bienalni festival Prestopi / Crossings se v nocojšnjem petku postavi na vrhunec programa po renomeju in odmevnosti - v Avditoriju Lutkovnega gledališča Maribor bo nocoj ob 21. uri s svojim solo klovnskim performansem nastopil Julien Cottereau, ki dolgoletne izkušnje klovnade, pantomime in igre podpisuje tudi pod sloviti Cirque du Soleil, pa tudi pod petnajst let večkrat nagrajene solo predstavo Imagine-toi/Predstavljaj si, ki ruši stereotipe o klovnu. Julien namreč brez besed in brez scenskih elementov ustvarja fantazijske svetove in zgodbe o ogru, zatiranemu fantu, princesi in blaznih pošastih. Skice telesa in imitacije ter manipulacije zvoka so barve, s katerimi slika otroško iskrene podobe.
Pred večernim nastopom v pogovoru z Julienom od abstraktnega h konkretnemu, in nazaj.
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This years' Prestopi / Crossings festival of independent performing arts will tonight reach one of its peaks - the auditorium of Maribor Puppet Theatre will be a playing ground of Julien Cottereau, who was in his fruitful career of clowning, mime and acting a part of the famous Cirque du Soleil, and is author of solo clown performances of international accolades and fame. Such a performance is his awarded solo performance Imagine-toi, in which Julien breaks the stereotypes of the clown and is word-lessly and without any props creates the fantasy worlds and tells fascinating stories. Julien's colours are his body and his sounds, and his canvas is an empty stage and a sincere audience who helps him to share the childlike honesty and naivety.
In the interview before the evening's show, Julien walks as from abstract to concrete and back.